About Me
a guy who happens to love making games and also have an existential crisis.

Fancy Description

I'm a game designer specializing in collaboratively finding creative solutions with limited resources, who constantly challenges his ideas by taking them from papers into playable and juicy experiences. Thrilled to deliver FUN!

I'm also organizing Trello boards, making live streams, and binge-watching GDC talks. While pursuing my passions, I'm also trying to help others to pursue theirs by volunteering in various communities and organizing events.

(Want to reach out? Click on the buttons at the bottom-right corner!)


Name: Yiğit (yeah, with a fancy Turkish 'ğ', but you can say "YEET".)

Age: 21 (but definitely feeling older)

Job: Game Design Student at Futuregames

Nationality: Turkish

Located in: Sweden

Fav Band: Metallica (my playlist is varied between them and Don Omar, so...)

Plays: Guitar, Oud, Piano, Reed Flute

Hobbies: walking a lot, crying while making games, watching sitcoms, meeting random people, headbanging, drinking (water).

Made with love
for skybrave by blazitt
Help he locked me in his baseme...